Business networking meeting registration

Business networking meeting registration

Bring your business problems to these meetings and we will attempt to help.
Register your interest in attending our business networking and book signing events below.
In London, England
Monday 10th June 2024 at 9am to start 9:30 am till 8pm 
In Birmingham, England
Monday 1st July 2024 9am to start 9:30 am till 8pm  Station)
Discounted Tickets
The ticket price is reduced to £259 before 1.10.23 and £279 before 1.12.23 and £289 before 1.2.24 there after £299
The ticket price is reduced to £245 before 1.10.23 and £265 before 1.12.23 and £275 before 1.2.24 there after £285

Business networking meeting registration

Business networking meeting registration
I register for the "MCL Business networking meeting " Monday 10.6.24 at 10am to 8pm with Management Consultants London or Monday 1.7.24 at 10 am to 8pm. .
I request the details to pay for the meeting ticket price (Covering lunch, dinner, and test fee) for the London meeting or the ticket price for the Birmingham meeting. Send the e-ticket to this email address please. Please check you spam email box
The ticket price will vary with this payment date and venue.

Business networking meetings seek to make it easier for you to find the right new connections to secure the benefits of synergy and a more effective way to increase the visibility of your business. In most cases you will be able to access membership discounts.
