Management Consultant Jobs


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Management Consultant Jobs

Management Consultant Jobs

Management Consultants Jobs are available at Management Consultants London. We  welcome the most skilled, motivated and experienced professionals across the full range of consulting disciplines.
It is this diversity of talent that will proivde our clients with the success they strive for. Those looking for management consultant jobs in the following areas below should send their Cv and covering letter entitled, “Management Consultant Careers” to:
Management consulting
Business start-up consulting
Strategy consulting
Marketing consulting
Information technology and Internet security consulting
Management consultants can be engaged by an organisation for a wide range of activities. Broadly, a management consultant may be brought in when an organisation wants to:
  • Generate a competitive advantage
  • Maximise growth
  • Improve business performance
  • Restructuring 
Typical tasks for graduates interns who join at ‘entry-level’ involve:
  • Gathering and interpreting data
  • Conducting analysis and building computer analysis models
  • Gaining an understanding of different methodologies
  • Interviewing client’s employees, management team and other stakeholders
  • Running focus groups and facilitating workshops
  • Communicating with clients
  • Preparing business proposals/presentations 
Examples of consulting projects:
  • A U.K retailer wants to develop its business in India – what are the cost implications for its U.K business?
  • A financial services company wants to set-up a new division. How can it do this and how many staff will they need?
  • Two major international consumer goods companies want to merge. How can they do this successfully?
Many consider a career in consulting because of the fast pace, wide variety of projects, and high-performance clients and teams with whom they can work. Consultants work long hours, and can travel extensively. At the start of your career, you are likely spend more time conducting Excel analyses rather than strategizing with the C.E.O in the Board Room.
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Management Consultants London’s Ethos
As a consultant with M.C.L, we ask you to ensure that the following matters are embedded in your work for our clients:
1) Integrity
2) Add value
3) Social responsibility
4) Sustainability
In applying to M.C.L you agree to work in a way that nurtures trust and seeks to add value to our clients and not just in the short term but to provide solutions that are sustainable and that seeks to minimise any negative impact on any major stakeholder.  

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